Female energies, 2015
acrylic painting on canvas, 39’ x 32’
This painting activates the main female energies. Their colours – red and orange – symbolize nourishing and creative energies. A person with a proper harmonious flow through these channels will achieve true love, well-being, and artistry. Stagnation causes powerlessness, loss of meaning in life, weakening of family ties, and lack of connection to traditions. On the other hand, an energy overflow may lead to an outburst of passions, loss of control, and even cruelty. This piece attempts to awaken the lingering energies, but not to provoke their uncontrolled expulsion. On the contrary, the presence of yellow and green colours, which transmit the flows of centre and the heart chakra – channel the raging flames towards creativity. In addition, blue – the colour of intuition that illuminates is helping to find the best possible direction for this flow of energies.